DALI Lighting Awards open for entries
(USA) – Inaugural DALI Lighting Awards to celebrate the best use of DALI control solutions.
The DALI Alliance (DiiA), the global industry organisation for DALI lighting control, has announced the call for entries to the inaugural DALI Lighting Awards.
Held in association with arc and the IALD, the awards will look to showcase and celebrate the best use of DALI control solutions in lighting projects across the world, while also recognising the importance of producing great quality illumination.
All types of commercial, architectural and industrial lighting projects linked with DALI technology can be nominated, and there are different categories for indoor and outdoor lighting. There is no entry fee, and entrants can nominate multiple projects on an individual basis or as part of a team. Entries can be submitted from any section of the supply chain (including lighting designers, electrical consultants, architects, installers and commissioning engineers, among others) and there is no requirement for DALI Alliance members to participate.
Judges for this year’s awards include arc editor Matt Waring; lighting designer Tad Trylski, active member of the IALD and former chair of its industry liaison group; and Scott Wade, Technical and Certification Manager for the DALI Alliance.
Entrants can submit projects via an online entry form on the DALI Alliance website here. Entries for the awards are open until 30 November 2020, with the winners announced in January 2021 via a webinar hosted by arc.