IALD Enlighten Europe welcomes international audience to London

1st July 2024

(UK) – IALD Enlighten Europe drew 350 lighting professionals to London to discuss the latest research and perspectives in the industry.

Specifiers, manufacturers, educators, students, and researchers from more than 40 countries spent two days in educational seminars, roundtable discussions, peer networking, and social receptions.

30 professional development sessions were integrated into the schedule, allowing attendees to choose from various lighting design subjects from creative, technical, and ethical perspectives.

A theme throughout the conference was the relationship between lighting and the world it illuminates. From sustainability and respect for the environment to light poverty, representation, and light’s physical and psychological impact on humanity, all of which encouraged conversations among all in attendance.

Andrea Hartranft, IALD President and design firm principal, says: “Seeing the energy this community demonstrates and its eagerness to continually progress the industry in practice, creativity, and ethics is genuinely extraordinary.

“So many different voices come together in these Enlighten conferences, and the exchange of ideas and perspectives is always positive. Particularly for a diverse European audience, opportunities like this to meet face-to-face and participate in such important conversations are invaluable. Nothing compares to being in a room or across the table from any number of peers from as many countries, hearing everyone’s opinions on globally relevant but regionally impactful issues.”

The next Enlighten conference will be IALD Enlighten Americas 2024, from 17-19 October in San Diego, California. Information regarding the schedule, sessions, speakers, and venue for that event is on the IALD website.
