Light Reach launches Light for Lebanon
(Lebanon) – Light for Lebanon is a new partnership between Light Reach and Manale Kahale.
On 4 August, the largest non-nuclear explosion in history tore through Beirut, destroying homes, businesses and entire neighbourhoods in the Lebanese capital city – once dubbed the Parish of the Middle East.
The blast killed more than 180 people, injured 6,000 and left more than 500,000 residents in immediate need of basic support. It damaged 80% of the residential buildings and infrastructure within a 1-2-mile radius, including 50,000 residential units, and tipped an already unstable electrical infrastructure into partial collapse, plunging much of the city into darkness after sunset.
In the aftermath of the explosion, Light Reach and Lebanese lighting designer and activist Manale Kahale have partnered to launch Light for Lebanon – a new programme that will aim to immediately support communities in Beirut with solar lighting solutions for both indoor and outdoor use, helping to bring some light back to the city.
Kahale contacted Light Reach to assist her in her drive to bring solar-powered lighting to the damaged areas.
Led by Nathalie Rozot of PhoScope, the global charity initiative Light Reach uses a proven replicable and expandable project model to support global communities affected by light poverty with stationary and portable solar lighting products.
“Our existing replicable and scalable model is readily adaptable to quickly bring some illumination to the darkened streets, without having to wait for grid restoration or construction,” said Rozot.
Light for Lebanon is seeking donations to help in its efforts. More information can be found at www.lightreach.net/light-for-lebanon.